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Bikini Body

6-week summer sculpt program

toned & sculpted physique

6 weeks to a

About the Program

Bikini Body is a comprehensive program that combines five targeted strength training sessions per week, strategically designed with progressive overload principles to challenge and shape your physique. Paired with a nutrition plan emphasizing a sustainable caloric deficit and weekly cardio sessions, this challenge is DESIGNED to help you shed body fat and reveal your leanest, strongest self.

Get ready to embrace the journey, transform your body, and step into summer with a newfound sense of strength & confidence!



✔ Structured training program

✔ Track workouts & performance in-app

✔ Keep record of personal bests

✔ Syncs with wearable devices


✔ Access to over 500 recipes

✔ Ability to track meals in-app

✔ Syncs with MyFitnessPal

✔ Simplified photo-food journalling

✔ Ability to add your own meals & recipes


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✔ In-app messaging with your coach

✔ Habit tracking to help you create a healthy lifestyle

✔ Exercise demo videos, instructions & substitutions

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Day 1: Glutes & Hamstrings

Day 2: Upper Body

Day 3: Active recovery + Core

Day 4: Legs

Day 5: Upper Body

Day 6: Delts & Glutes

Day 7: Active recovery + Core

Start Today 👇
select the workout plan for your needs

full gym

Equipment needed:

Gym Machines



Mini Loop / Booty Band

DB / home gym

Equiptment needed:

2 x sets of Dumbbells

Long Resistance Band

Mini Loop / Booty Band

Not Available

Client Success With this program 👇

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looking for a long-term training plan? 

check out our most popular 1:1 online coaching program

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